Friday, November 30, 2012

MTA information .

What is MTA. People are asking what is it. Well its New York City Transit System. MTA stands for Metro Transit Authority. Over 2 thousand riders pack them selves into a subway car to get to there destinations. In today MTA has upgraded their system with new trains, signals and tracks. MTA also has info that really help  many NewYorkers like The website has alot of information like select bus services, information on the route of the train you are going to take, doing bussiness with them and many more. If you really like trains  then this is the opertunity to start planing your future because the job wont be easy. MTA has alot of other servies like bus operating, train and bridges. Mostly half of NY bridges belong to MTA. Many people really like the countdown clocks that the system has given us to see when a train is comming. Apps are available on  app store and android market like trip planer, art, nearest subway, aceessiblity, metro card deals and more. The best thing about there system is that they have this. MTA is also a carring system because they really worry about saftey in there system so dont step out of line because they have TA police.

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