Monday, December 31, 2012

Update: CBTC communication based train controls

The Word CBTC is known as a communication Based Train Controls. CBTC is another type of automatic train operation. People have been worried that CBTC might take over many IRT,BMT,IND subway lines. The truth to that is CBTC can't be placed on Lines that have multiple connections. For example the IRT(Interborough Rapid Transit) has only 1 Line that contains CBTC which is known as the 7. The 7 is a inpedepent line no other line connects with it on the same track/line. Now if they want to add CBTC to the Lexington Avenue Line this could cause a problem. The whole 4,5,6 has all R142s and R142A but they don't have the CBTC program. The program will be the least of the problem. The subway has lots of problems and require trains to go (via) another line if need. So Example if theirs a problem with the 3 train at Bergen st (NewLots Direction) they have to switch the 3 at the Nevins/Atlantic Junction to Franklyn the train will run. But the problem is the system won't be able to pick up the train and the CBTC train will have to stay back a certain distance. CBTC is a great program but many people don't use it the correct way or use it in the way that it was intended to. CBTC is to be used in the tunnels in my definition then coming into a station they must use the controller known as the master controller to prevent other accidents. CBTC is used for signaling, Safety of the Trains (speeding at a safe distance) quick Train Operating for a few seconds. The L has CBTC and trains can run their. CBTC can't disable a Old train it can't disable it from running it can only detect a train and allow new controls.


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