Monday, March 4, 2013

The $2.50 fare

Metropolitian Transit Authority has raised the fare to a unfair price of $2.50. When thee fair was $2.25 it was easier for people to get around the city for about $4.50 now its $5 for a two-way trip. Its really not fair to raise the price to $2.50 and charge a extra dollar for a new metro card. Now people including, school children are wondering how are they going to go to school if they have a half-fare metro card the answer is try to get the school bus to school and home. How does this affects us. It affects us by loosing more money for cruddy service on delayed buses and trains espically on the B46 on the morning yes there is delays on traffic but just buy new faster buses and send a bus every 6 minutes or less. The LIRR has taken its jump from its regular fare to a higher fare so has metro north. Now the MTA has made it harder for us to get around the city.

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